Taking first place in our rum Old-Fashioned tasting was Jelani Johnson’s recipe, which calls for a blend of three rums: Mount Gay XO from Barbados, Hamilton 151-Proof Demerara rum from Guyana and Smith & Cross from Jamaica, complemented by a teaspoon of rich cane sugar syrup and a dash each of Angostura and Bittermens Elemakule Tiki bitters. “This drink is trying to do something, trying to take you to a Caribbean place,” said St. John Frizell, “it doesn’t taste like a rye Old-Fashioned, it’s a rum Old-Fashioned.” The drink was stirred with an orange twist and served with a lime coin adding just the right amount of aromatics for what bar owner Paul McGee likened to a “Ti Punch-style serve.” Read More →
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