LIKE this video if you LOOOOOVE food as much a I do!
*I’ve found that “healthy” videos can be soooooo controversial on YouTube so here is my two cents: One “bad” meal will not make you fat. And one “healthy” meal will not make you thin. There is no right way or wrong way to eat. As long as you are nourishing and sustaining your body you are doing something right. I am not here to tell you that because you like fast food and cookies that you’re unhealthy or wrong, nor am I here to praise you for being a gluten free raw foodist. YOU DO YOU. Eat what makes you feel happy and healthy, screw what everybody else is doing! I eat the way I eat because it makes me feel healthy and happy & In this video I’m showing you 3 of MY personal favorite things to eat for lunch, but feel free to substitute whatever suits your liking!
A bit about my diet- When I was 17 I got a protracted case of mono which caused me to be violently ill after every thing I ate or drank. After almost a year of not being able to keep any food down, I had lost about 30 pounds and despite getting better from mono, my gut was permanently damaged. As shown by an endoscopy my stomach lining & esophagus were torn to shreds and I was diagnosed with non ulcer dyspepsia. From there my doctor, my nutritionist and I came to realize that dairy, grains, and foods with high fat content were causing my digestive issues and pain. I have been dairy free since being diagnosed with an allergy over 3 years ago, and I’ve been grain free since last January. I listen to my body and stay away from foods that upset my stomach and digestion, hoping that in time I will be able to fully heal my gut and reintroduce both dairy and grains back into my diet. If you are thinking of undergoing a lifestyle change regarding your diet, advice your doctor so you can come up with a plan together.
Check out my Healthy Breakfast Video! & Let me know if you’d like me to do another one!
Watch my latest video, Get Ready with Me for DISNEYLAND
Mason Jar Salad:
2 tbs of your favorite salad dressing (I used Balsamic Vinegar)
1/4 of a chopped cucumber
1 handful of shaved carrots
2 chopped beets
1/4 cup chopped crimini mushrooms
A few slivers of a red onion
1/2 cup halved cherry tomatos
1/2 cup cooked red quinoa (Feel free to sub for whatever protein)
Fill the rest with your favorite greens! (I used kale, chard & spinach)
Corn & Bean Salad
1/2 cup rinsed and drained black beans
1/2 cup rinsed and drained garbanzo beans
1 cup of cooked organic corn (look for GMO free!)
1 hand-full of diced red pepper
1 hand-full of diced red onion
1 hand-full of halved cherry tomatoes
Cilantro to taste (I obviously like a lot haha)
Juice of 1/2 of a lime
& a drizzle of balsamic vinegar!
Greek Hummus Wrap
1 Wrap of your choice (tortilla, pita, whole wheat, rice, coconut, etc.)
2 tbs of Hummus (I like Trader Joe’s organic original)
1 hand-full of chopped romaine lettuce
1 hand-full of halved cherry tomatoes
Some thinly sliced red onion
& a few halved kalamata olives!
Songs featured:
Chasing the Sun by Hilary Duff
All About You by Hilary Duff (can you tell I’m stoked for her album lol)
Scarecrow- Alex & Sierra
What I’m Wearing:
Top- Target
Necklace- Express
Second Channel:
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the brands mentioned in this video.
Camcorder is: Canon T4i
For business inquires contact me at with ‘meghanrosette’ in the subject line.
Enjoy, Comment, Like and Subscribe!
meghan, meghanrosette, rosette, rienks, megan, healthy lunch ideas, vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, easy, food to bring to work, back to school, school lunches, healthy eating, diet, salads, wraps, mason jar, beauty, fashion, comedy, vlog, upload, today, fall, spring, summer, winter
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