Healthy & Easy Meal Prep On A Budget | My Simple & Easy Step By Step Meal Prep Routine, Budget Friendly, & How You Can Meal Prep Your Plant Based Options | Download Lifesum App for free: | For An Extra 30% Off A 12 Month Subscription | Sanne Vloet
Hey Guys!
Are you tired? I’m a little exhausted after all the craziness and I really need to get back into my routines quickly. I’ve always found that meal prepping is the best way for me to get back into my healthy eating habits. Anyone here ever watched a meal prep video or have any of you meal prepped since I shared my last video? When I am disciplined with my food and diet I find it so much easier to get back into the gym for workouts, or jump into my favorite fitness class PILATES! My schedule can be extremely hectic which makes it very hard for me to balance out the different parts of my life. Everything starts to pile up from my meetings, workouts, video creation, and it gets hard to keep a healthy balance! Guess what my best tip is for finding balance… It’s PREPARATION! So today let’s jump into how you guys can meal prep just like me!
Meal prepping can save you a lot of time in the kitchen and it really saves you money! One of the biggest money savers for Max and myself has been that we don’t order in anymore. If you meal prep you can have meals ready to go in a few minutes that are extremely healthy, tasty, and perfect for those moments that you don’t have enough time to cook. In my last Vegan “What I Eat in a Day” video’s I introduced you the app Lifesum that I have been using to properly balance out my meals for my lifestyle. I read in the comments that many of you already used the app, but has anyone else tried it out too? I use the app to track what I am putting into my stomach, which makes me more mindful of anything that I may not want to put inside my body. I left a link above for anyone that wants to download the app for free to check it out, so don’t be shy!
So by a show of hands or comments who is excited for fall to come? I haven’t seen anyone with a pumpkin spice latte yet, but I’ve started to sea pumpkins and squash at the supermarkets! I have so many new recipes ideas that I can’t wait to share with you guys soon! I think it would be a lot of fun to do another “Wellness Month” like we did last November, so let me know if you guys are into that idea!
This community has continued to grow! Last week my mom called me when our community passed 800,000 and that made me realize how strong our family has grown too! Each one of us comes into this community with our own experiences and stories, but we all have one thing in common! We are all on or wellness journey, together in this community! So as we come to an end of another amazing summer I NEED YOU to share your wellness goals for the rest of this year! If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask. I’m so happy that so many of you are coming up to me in public and saying hello! For some reason all of your favorites videos have been about food so I’ll keep sharing food videos with you!
I hope you are all subscribed! It would be awesome if you all joined my notification squad and let me know what you loved about today’s video. Any feedback helps, constructive notes are always welcome! I’m going to do my best to respond to all of you today and I’m going back into previous videos to respond to comments that I may have missed! This community means the world to me and so do you!
Love you guys!
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Chicken Seasoning: Mix 1 table spoon salt, 2 tablespoon ground pepper, 2 tablespoon chicli powder, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, 2 tablespoon paprika and 1 tablespoon onion powder.
Tofu seasoning: 1 Table spoon olive oil, 1 table spoon soy sauce, salt, peper and arrowroot
Zucchini & Broccoli seasoning: Olive oil, salt, pepper and Za’ atar spice mix.
Cauliflower seasoning: Olive oil, salt, pepper , 3 tablespoons Nutritional Yeast. ( for a cheesy flavor)
Sweet Potatoes seasoning: Olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder
Ginger Miso Tahini Dressing:
– 1.5 cup Tahini
– 2 tablespoon white miso
– 2 inch fresh ginger
– 2 cloves garlic
– 1 tablespoon soy sauce or coconut aminos
– 1 lemon
– ½ cup water
Spicy Cashew Dressing:
– ½ cup salted roasted cashews
– ¼ cup vegetable oil
– 3 tbsp. unseasoned rice vinegar
– ¾ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
– ¾ tsp. fish sauce
– ¾ tsp. honey
– 1 garlic clove
– Touch of salt.
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