How to Make Hasselback Potatoes A Swedish Potato Side Dish Recipe Hasselbackspotatis är en klassiker
SMAKLIG MÅLTID! (BON APPETITE!) This Swedish potato side dish is a classic and delicious!
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We hope you enjoyed our Hasselback Potatoes recipe & video! xoxo
Karen Grete and Heidi
Please be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel Scandinavian Today. Our channel has videos including
*How to make Swedish Meatballs for Appetizers or as a Main Dish. – Svenska köttbullar
*How to Make Icelandic Potato Salad – Kartöflusalati
*how to make Danish Christmas rice pudding with cherry sauce dessert recipe (Risalamande med kirsebærsauce)
*Jansson’s Temptation A Swedish Christmas dish – Janssons Frestelse
*how to make Swedish Glogg for Christmas & cold evenings! (glögg or mulled wine recipe)
*How to make Swedish Sour Cream Cucumber Salad with Dill. svensk gurksallad.
*how to make aeblskiver (æbleskiver)
*how to make Danish Christmas Klejner
*how to make Danish sugar browned potatoes (brunede kartofler)
*how to make Danish red cabbage (rødkaal)
*How to make Danish Cucumber Salad (Agurksalat)
Our Scandinavian recipes including Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish are on
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Founded by Karen Grete & Heidi (mother/daughter team). We are excited about Scandinavian cooking, design, travel, art and culture.
We have a treasure of traditional and modern Scandinavian dishes. Our MUST-TRY recipes are delicious, simple, and many times easy-to-find ingredients. The dishes are perfect if you’re a beginner or just a person who wants to eat well. A gastronomic experience for all! Subscribe to Karen Grete Nielsen on Youtube video to get the latest recipes.
In addition, we travel regularly back and forth from Europe and the US and look forward to seeing the latest fashion, art, film, antiques and flea market finds. We search for the latest trends and share our findings on our blog.
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